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Graduate Course
Spring 2009
Northeastern University

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  NEU-RTES Laboratory  ::  
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This course is in the required course list for post-graduate students majoring Computer Science at Northeastern Univeristy, China. The objective of this course is to enable course takers to have knowledge on fundamental concepts and techniques in real-time computing. Course takers are supposed to grasp the fundamental concepts of real-time scheduling, Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) analysis and real-time opearting systems. Course takers should have knowledge on operating systems, data structure and algorithms, and should be skilled in at least one programming language.

This course takes 40 credit hours. Course takers should complete four course assignments and pass the final exam independently; students who only take the final exam will not get the credit of this course.

Credit Hours
Chapter Contents

1 Concepts of Real-Time Systems

The concepts of real-time systems, such as tasks, job, deadline, response time, period, etc. These concepts are frequently used in the following chapters.
2 WCET Analysis in a Nutshell
Introduce popular analysis techniques in bounding worst-case execution times of tasks, including path analysis, flow analysis, micro-architecture modeling and WCET calculation methods.
3 Common Real-Time Scheduling Techniques
Introduce the fundamentals of real-time scheduling and the taxonomy. List Scheduling, time-triggered scheduling, prioroity-driven scheduling and task graph scheduling will be introduced.
4 Priority-Driven Scheduling Techniques
Priority-driven scheduling algorithms are adopted in most real-time systems. This chapter will deal with the well-known RM, DM, EDF and LLF algorithms, and use these algorithms to show how to do schedulability analysis.
5 Open System Scheduling
Open system scheduling is also called "server-based scheduling", Deferrable Server and Sporadic Server algorithms are introduced.
6 Resource Sharing Techniques in Real-Time Systems
This chapter mainly deal with "resource sharing" problems in real-time systems, especially their effects on real-time scheduling. PIP and PCP protocols are used to show how to incorporate resource sharing into real-time schedulability analysis.
7 Multi-processor Real-Time Scheduling Algorithms
Real-time scheduling on multi-processors are introduced in this chapter, which can be classfied according to processor architecture and task migration.
8 Formal Methods in Real-Time Systems
Basic concepts of model checking are introduced in this chapter, Uppaal is adopted to introduce timed automata theory and the use of model checking technology in real-time system analysis.
9 Real-Time Operating Systems
This chapter introduce operating system support to real-time scheduling and related techniques, and how these techniques are implemented in the OS. Different RTOS are compared concerning their capability on satisfying real-time requirements.

Week 1 - 8, Monday
08:00 - 10:00 Rm 209, Yifu Building
10:00 - 12:00 Rm 207, Yifu Building

Class attendance - 40%, Course assignments - 30%, final report or exam - 30%

"Real-Time Systems"

Jane W.S. Liu

Published by Prentice Hall, by Higher Education Press in China.

"Real-Time Systems"

C. M. Krishna, and Kang G. Shin

Published by McGraw-Hill, by Tsinghua University Press in China.

COMP680G Zonghua Gu's course on real-time embedded systems at HKUST.



Last updated June 2009. For any questions on the website, please contact the webmaster